Parent Portal is an extremely useful tool for communication between Parents and Teachers and to keep your information up to date with the office. If you do not have a parent portal account please register now and add your students.
Once logged in you will be given access to a number of tabbed choices including Student Info, Attendance, and Grades. The page will time out in 20 minutes. If any of the emergency contact information is out of date, please contact the school. Please do not stay logged on while away from your computer or if using a public computer.
Parents will be prompted at the beginning of each year to verify school policies and contact information. Please print out and sign the Emergency Card if all information is correct. You can return it in person or by email to [email protected].
Parent Portal Link
Registration Instructions
Please stop by the school office and ask for a Parent Portal Packet. In addition to the packet, the office will provide you with your student's Permanent ID, Home Phone on record and Verification Code. All items are required to register a student to the system and can only be given after you have signed an ABI Use Signature Page in the school office.